Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Scholarly Struggle

Perhaps the lowlight of my week is having to teach TOEFL to 40 bored kids. In fact, I can't teach them TOEFL as I would like, due to the number of students, so I have to give them a potted course in techniques (which itself is very watered down).

Teaching TOEFL at Nova was easy. I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of times I taught it, and each time was to a student or a high level schoolkid. The fact that TOEFL is difficult and boring didn't matter, as it was man-to-man and the student was eager to learn.

If my TOEFL classes were limited to 20 kids I still wouldn't be able to teach it by the book, but at least there would be more opportunity for focused lessons.
i'm not sure what today's lesson will bring - all I know is that TOEFL rhymes with woeful and I'm in need of some morning coffee..


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