Japanese TV - an exercise in the bizarre
Settling down on the sofa last night with my fiance, we turned on the TV to while away an hour or so before bath and bed. She went to make a cup of coffee so it was left to me to flick through the channels. I must have gone past about five food programs before I was confronted by the scene below...

A big man in a pink dress playing the part of a teacher... a little strange perhaps, but Japan being Japan I wasn't so surprised... apparently this character is called Gorie, and is a humorous jibe at Yamumba girls in Japan...
But hang on! What the hell's this?... a group of school kids, ok, a group of school kids in Butlins jackets, ok, but a man with a steel head posing as a school boy? Strange... when I asked my fiance about this guy, she told me that he was in character. When I asked her for the significance of the steel head she just shrugged. But that wasn't the end of it...
Of course! No TV would be the same without the slightly-saucy-vixen-wearing-cat-mask-and-fishnet-stockings... I couldn't help wondering how the interplay between the three characters would play out, but unfortunately we were immediately whisked from the classroom out onto the street...
The saucy masked teacher left behind, the duo are joined by an office lady in typically pointy shoes, before they are accosted by three equally strange chaps - a dreadlocked hippy wearing a bra, an eyeless orange and white mannequin and an unkempt and grinning professor type. As befits the special occasion of such a union of characters, they decide on a gripping and awe-inspiring course of action...
Visiting an office of the Environment Agency! Despite the fact that they were face to face with a big man in a pink dress, a cheeky professor, a Dr Who mannequin, a cross-dressing hippy, an office lady and a sound man with a huge boom, the workers carried on regardless and pretended they weren't there. I ask you, what would you do if you were the cheeky professor, prancing through an office block but being snubbed by the shirts and ties?...
Grab the nearest guy and try to dog hump him of course! With the flustered salaryman desperately trying to remain dignified and calm as the academic simulates canine sex with him, the other members of the gang giggle and beat the pair of them with their fists and a gold ladle...
At this point the bath was ready so I didn't get to see the end. Who knows what happened? Presumably there was a reason for going to the environment office.. sadly, I'll probably never know. According to my fiance this program is known as Sui-ju ("Wednesday Ten"), named due to the day and time it's on. If this week was anything to go by, it might well become compulsive viewing for me...
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