I'm lazy! Oh, how I'm lazy...
Well... my last post was way back at the mid-part of August, and though my intentions were to keep a blog going steadily, it hasn't panned out...
I'm going to try from now on... for the time being, I will try to sum up the nodworthy moments during the last couple of months via the medium of photos... so here we go:

A wonderful poster at Shinsakaemachi station in Omuta, in which glasses of liquid suggest the keys of a piano...
This was a quick snap of the Japanese version of Deal or No Deal (which, bizarrely, only ran for a single episode)... a host of gaijin models stood in front of the boxes, and the usual troupe of Japanese comedians ummed and ahhed over which girl to choose...
A great poster from Yanagawa station... the old man must think Christmas has come early...
One of my favourite gameshows in Japan.. the peerless "Is the Maid under or over 40?"...
From the office window, a couple of ne'er do well yankee boys looking very suspicious... what are they up to?
A bloody big spider that I found in the classroom I was teaching in!
A crafty snap of a convenience store shirking his duties and reading a manga... should have been a policeman...
A giant hornet in another classroom! This thing was gigantic!!
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