Friday, May 25, 2007

Another lazy weekend...

Ahh, the weekend.. a time for lazing about, sipping at coffee and sofa time with the wife. That and more this weekend, with firstly the alarmingly middle aged pleasure to be had in finishing a jigsaw puzzle yesterday.

And then today, a little sojourn to the local art museum for an exhibition of nudes...

Admittedly, I am no real fan of art museums. I'd rather go to an art museum than watch motorsport or motorbike racing, but then I'd rather eat wet dog shit out of Jocelyn Wildenstein's hand than watch that. It was an ok exhibition though, bar one thing... the group of salarymen on an outing who kept shouting and laughing and acting like arses throughout. Every painting was greeted with "aahhh!" and stupid comments about their offices. Here's a photo of them posing for a group photo outside.

One of them did have a stupendous wig though, which was by far the most interesting thing about the visit. Following the art, there came the obligatory taking photos of flowers...

Viewing the average Japanese photo album is a very mundane affair... all you see is photos of people giving peace signs in front of various landmarks, fireworks and flowers up close...


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