Saturday, July 14, 2007

Amusing TV show with latex and make-up..

Ahh, yet more cool TV, featuring one of the most prolific non-Japanese comedians on TV, Bobby Oregon. Entering into an eating contest in what looked rather like a You Me Town, poor Bobby had no idea that the old lady sat a few people down from him was none other than "Gall Bladder", legendary eating champion, with a ton of prosthetics and make up on!

To give Bobby some credit, he did rather quickly seem to sense that something was amiss... the frail octogenerian was putting away 4 plates for every one of his... even the planted daughter in the audience's claim that "mother has a good appetite" had a suspicious ring to it...
(by the way, yes, in the top right hand corner of the screen there is a Japanese man with a beard and wizard's hat.. he was the host. Why as a beardy wizard? Why not.)

Even so, Bobby, a supermarket full of kids to egg you on, and all you could managed was 10 plates? I could eat 10 plates right now. I certainly could if an 83 year old woman was handing me a beatdown with 54 empty plates piled infront of her, for pride if nothing else...

When it was announced that the victorious grandma was actually Gall, Bobby snatched the photo board from her and tried to beat her with it (sadly I wasn't quick enough to capture that little gem). So you'll have to make do with Bobby's forced grin just beforehand...


Blogger Unknown said...

Rie could so eat them under the table. So far she has always been able to match me plate for plate for everything, except sushi. Her krptonite maybe...

7:26 pm


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